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Workforce Housing

Having an ample supply of affordable housing is important to have a workforce that is stable and productive. As the need for talent increases, having living options close to work for our employees reduces turnover and helps attract professionals from outside the area while encouraging home-grown talent to stay. Additionally, affordable housing leads to increased worker productivity and encourages the immigration of new businesses.

Miami faces one of the nation's worst affordable housing crises, as highlighted in a recent report. The Workforce Housing Committee aims to address this issue by advocating for and enhancing affordable housing stock, which is vital for Miami's growth. The committee partners with nonprofits, businesses, universities, and government entities to find creative solutions and secure affordable housing. Its objectives include collaborating with public and private partners, educating the public on the link between housing and economic performance, advocating for government funding, and supporting up-zoning along transit corridors.

Participation in the Workforce Housing Committee is open to all Greater Miami Chamber members in good standing who have interests or concerns related to this issue. Members include community organizations, developers, private sector advocacy groups and concerned citizens.

To learn more about the Workforce Housing Committee or Chamber priority issues, please tap here to connect with a committee staff liaison today


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