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Workforce Development

A skilled and adaptable workforce is crucial for the economic growth and prosperity of Miami. The Chamber facilitates workforce development by understanding current and future workforce needs, encouraging collaboration between businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations. Ensuring that the current labor force has upskilling opportunities and that future generations of workers are educated, well-adapted, and professionally prepared is a key strategy for building a stronger, more competitive, and inclusive economy.

The Education & Workforce Committee supports high quality education for all. This includes development of talent and retention of talent in South Florida. The Committee seeks to build relationships with professionals and businesses in order to advocate, and seek funding for education causes, as well as seeking to implement these causes to benefit the economic development of our ever-evolving community.

Participation in the Education & Workforce Development Committee is open to all Greater Miami Chamber members in good standing who have interests or concerns in this arena. Committee members include a broad range of professionals including real estate professionals, urban-based businesses, schools, incubators, City and County officials, along with non-governmental organizations. 

To learn more about the Education & Workforce Development Committee or Chamber priority issues, please tap here to connect with a committee staff liaison today


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