2020 State Legislative Platform
- Ensure that the district cost differential (DCD) properly accounts for the high cost of living in South Florida and empowers our school district to recruit and retain top talent.
- Increase investment in our attainment outcomes by increasing teacher salaries.
- Support state funding for a high-quality, full-day Voluntary PreKindergarten (VPK) program.
- Invest in our future workforce by improving attainment outcomes for our students – Support HB 187 (Zika).
Workforce Development
- Streamline occupational license attainment to increase jobs & reduce costly regulation. – Support HB 707 (Renner)/SB 1124 (Diaz)
- Create a Florida Business and Workforce Competitiveness Fund to assist existing businesses in meeting the demands of the everadvancing marketplace and assist job seekers obtain gainful employment.
- Support policies and funding that expand transit and mobility options for South Florida residents.
Workforce Housing
- Fully-fund the State Housing and Local Government Housing trust funds. – Support HB 381 (Silvers)/SB 306 (Mayfield)
- Allow local governments to waive impact fees for supportive housing by nonprofit, community-based organizations, whose government funding threshold is 75% or greater.
- Protect South Florida’s economy through greater investment in the Everglades, water quality and sea level rise. – Support Governor’s Environmental Budget Recommendations
- Prohibit any state authority from suspending or revoking a professional license based solely on the licensee being delinquent on a payment of or defaulting on his or her student loan. – Support HB 115 (Duran)/SB 356 (Hutson)
- Continue investment in the Road to Recovery program.