2019 State Advocacy Recap
- Retaining financial revenues generated by the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) here in Miami.
- Committee Level Meetings/Presentations: 3
- Met with Mayor Gimenez and had him address Trustee Luncheon guests
- Meetings with State Legislators: 29
- HB 385 (Transportation) passed. It will eliminate MDX and replace it with the Greater Miami Expressway Agency (GMX)
- MDX expected to sue
- MDX bond rating had dropped at least 1 notch, which is an estimated $40M impact. Other impacts are bond refinancing ($237M) and signage changes ($40M)
- Kendall Parkway and 5-year work program expected not to finish on time
Workforce Housing
Fully-fund the State Housing and Local Government Housing trust funds
Pre-session meeting with 4 freshman House members
Meetings with State Legislators: 22
- Sadowski funds partially raided to support Hurricane Michael recovery
- Affordable Housing Program: $31,040,00
- State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program (SHIP): $46,560,000
- Hurricane Housing Recovery Program: $65,000,000
- Rental Recovery Loan Program: $50,000,000
- Kendall Parkway and 5-year work pogram expected not to finish on time
- HB7103 impacts local ability to set rules for developments impacting rent control and affordable housing. Bad news: That bill passed. Good news: amendments were added that preserve Miami’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance for affordable housing
Early learning
Increase School Readiness (SR) program funding: Restore Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) funding to 2007 levels ($2,677 per child); and expand the Help Me Grow (HMG) programActions
Meetings with State Legislators: 19
HB 1027 passed. It requires the Office of Early Learning to develop early learning professional development training and course standards for school readiness program providers and identify both formal and informal early learning career pathways with stackable credentials and certifications, which allow early childhood teachers to access specialized professional development
Ensure that the district cost defferential (DCD) properly accoutns for the high cost of living in South Florida and empowers our school district to recruit and retain top talent
Miami Herald Op-Ed: https://hrld.us/2H5yWuL
Meetings with State Legislators: 28
The Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) will create a methodology to determine the impact to school borads if the DCD is changed.
Higher learning
Invest in our future workforce by improving attainmetn outcomes for our students.
Meetings with State Legislators: 19
HB 189 (Postsecondary Education for Secondary Students) passed. The bill authorizes district school boards to establish an early college program with a state university or an eligible institution.
Protect South Florida’s economy through greater investment in the Everglades, water quality and sea level rise
Meetings with State Legislators: 19
$1.5 million for Miami Biscayne Bay Tidal Waves and Stormwater Improvements, in addtion to $360 million for Everglades restoration projects outlined in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan.